Sunday, July 7, 2013

Hey I'm back

Well it's been ages since I've posted here.  And I do apologize.  So I thought I would catch everyone up on what has been happening since then.

Well first thing, we're having another baby!  We are due at the end of August and are beyond thrilled.  We don't know if it's a boy or a girl - I love surprises.  I finished work to go on mat leave just last week, as my job required me to be on my feet for most of the day - my back and pelvis couldn't take it anymore.  So with 7 weeks left to prepare and spend a gorgeous summer with my 4 year old daughter.

As far as the bipolar goes I have been feeling good, pregnancy agrees with my brain and all those good hormones stabilize me to a good extent.  I am still taking 225mg effexor and 100mg Trazadone everyday, but why mess with something if it's working for you right?

My doctor has put in a referral for me at the Women's mental health center here at the local hospital.  It's for pregnant and postpartum mom's dealing with mental health issues.  A safety net she has called it, just in case there is a sudden shift in my moods before or after this baby is born.  So I go for my first meet and greet in a few weeks time with the psychiatrist on staff.

I have improved in the area of social isolation, with feeling relatively "normal" I have reached out more to those few friends that I have.  My sister and I have also gotten together more and have become closer.  My mom is also a huge support and is always there if I need her, even if it's just to get out of the house when I know I need to.  My daughter is also very busy and helps to get me going and out doing things as she gets bored easily and I want her to do the normal childhood things like riding her bike, going to the zoo, playing outside on a hot day, going to the pool etc....

Mental illness is so much easier to manage when you have a strong support system.  I also found out with my last breakdown who my real friends were.  Those who were too scared or uncomfortable soon fell to the wayside and avoided me like the plague.  But the ones who stuck by me were the few but the ones who saw me and not my illness.  I am so thankful to have them in my life.

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