Monday, September 15, 2014

Life continues...

I am absolutely terrible about writing on here.  But here we go again.
Our youngest child is now nearly 13 months old and an absolute joy.  Our eldest is now 5 years old and in Kindergarten.  I am a stay at home mom now and we moved out of the city to a rural neighbourhood, it's idyllic to say the least living here.  We are close to the Rocky Mountains, wildlife frequents our property, it's not strange to see a family of deer peering back at you through your window in the early morning or evening.
I have had a long period of mental stability, not to say that I don't still have dark days or insomnia or anxiety.  Believe me I still have my daily struggles, but I have noticed that these periods do not last for all that long and are usually a result of me not doing those things that promote my own wellness.  I sometimes don't eat regularly or drink enough fluids, I sometimes don't go to bed at night even though I know I should, or I don't reach out and socialize, or go outside and get some exercise and fresh air.  I struggle to be good, but it's easier at times to be lazy and sick.