Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hypomania...a double edged sword

I always seem to have trouble keeping tabs on my mood.  I can switch moods so quickly sometimes I don't even grasp that it's happening.  I become irrational...  So here is a list of symptoms of hypomania, it helps to serve a reminder that you don't usually do these types of things.  A great way to protect you or your family from grief.

Hypomania symptoms
      You don't need much sleep.
      You're more talkative than usual or feel pressure to keep talking.
      You are experiencing a flight of ideas or feel that your thoughts are racing.
      You are easily distracted.
      You are driven toward accomplishing specific goals (either socially - at work or school - or sexually) or you are experiencing psychomotor agitation.
       You have grandiose thinking. For example, you believe you are better than anyone else at doing something or that you can accomplish a difficult task in hours instead of days.
       You've become excessively involved with pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences, such as unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments.

Some Expressions of Hypomania
Here are just a few examples of hypomanic behavior:
               Hypersexuality, which may take many forms such as making unusual demands on your partner, making inappropriate sexual advances, having affairs or spending a great deal of money on phone sex, Internet pornography or prostitutes.
               Unusual irritability, excitement, hostility or aggression.
               Behaving inappropriately; for example, making crude remarks at a dinner party.
               Spending recklessly, such as buying a car when you can't possibly make the payments.
               Talking so fast that it's difficult for others to understand.
               Dressing and behaving flamboyantly.
               Jumping from one subject to an unrelated subject while speaking to someone.
                Taking chances you normally wouldn't because you "feel lucky."

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